Stopped Stuttering Stories

Surveys show that people fear public speaking more than death.

Glen Croston, Ph.D., The Real Story of Risk 2012


Established in 2017

These are stories of PWS who used The Lovett Method and STOPPED stuttering. The complete program for learning our Methods is offered exclusively by World Stop Stuttering Association (WSSA), which program includes Lee’s books and over 50 definitive video courses by Lee on his books, plus the video library of some 2,000 coaching videos, blogs and regularl emails with tips and updates by ex-stutterers and much more.

We originally called our case-histories “Success Stories” but some speech therapists, who insist that stuttering is “incurable” and must be “accepted”, began calling their students “Success Stories”, because, even though their students still stuttered, their students felt better about themselves and were thus “Success Stories”. This is NOT what we are posting here.

The Stopped Stuttering Stories (SSS) that we post in our Speech Hall of Fame are only those of PWS who have stopped stuttering. These stories/SSS are not about simply “feeling better”, they are by and about those who have stopped appearing speech disabled. So, we changed the name of our stories from “Success Stories” TO “Stopped Stuttering Stories” (SSS). While this caption lacks elegance, it reveals the important distinction between our stories of the "feel-better” PWS that other therapists are posting as “Success Stories”.

The longstanding view of the medical community has been that stuttering is “an incurable disease”. Ignoring the word “cure”, SAA is demonstrating in spades, via new Success Stories every month, that it IS possible to stop stuttering and to eliminate the appearance of speech disabilities – by those whose minds are open to the possibility and who are willing to work at it assiduously as long as is required, which is several months in the typical case.

VIRTUALLY NO RELAPSES: of great significance, the PWSS (people who stopped stuttering), whose Stop Stuttering Stories (SSS) appear below, are NOT relapsing. In June 2019, of 31 PWSS (who had stopped stuttering 1-2 years earlier and who responded to SAA’s poll) 28 had not relapsed, and 2 of the 3 relapses were fluent again with 1-3 Skypes; only 1 is still recovering. Based on this poll, 97% of PWSS-respondents are not relapsing. Surveys of 50 more in 2020 showed nearly identical results. We now have many PWSS who stopped stuttering three, four, five and even six years ago.”

It is important to note that there is a difference between stopping stuttering and the appearance of a speech disability AND fears of those conditions. Fears are very stubborn; they will fade, ever so gradually, over time. Fears do not necessitate the appearance of a speech disability. This is what SAA and its Success Stories are demonstrating, over and over, one-by-one, from PWS from all over the world. When a PWS has not stuttered or had visible signs of a speech disability for one month or more (in the opinions of the PWS and his/her SAA coach), the PWS is invited to join SAA’s Speech Hall of Fame. The PWS and SAA then agree on the wording of the Success Story, and it is published, the inducting the PWS into SAA’s Speech Hall of Fame.

As some of the SAA’s Inductees wish to protect their privacy and some even wish to remain anonymous, their positive online stuttering treatment Success Stories are not published here. For those that are published here, their last names are not used (except for SAA Founders), and no contact information is given. Regardless, many PWSS are willing to do Skype sessions with PWS; so, if you are being Skype-coached by SAA, you may be able to talk to the PWSS of your choice. As such, below, you will find a partial list of those who learned how to eliminate stuttering by using the methods in Lee’s book and by Skyping with an SAA or WSSA coach. This partial list of Success Stories of the Inductees to SAA’s Speech Hall of Fame appears below.

Lee Lovett, Bermuda

From puberty to around age forty, I was a suffering stutterer. Unless you knew me then, you haven’t known me as a stutterer. In fact, by age thirty, I had become very good at hiding it from most. The irony is that, pre-teens, I spoke exceptionally well, but, after one ghastly reading-aloud instance at school, […]

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Prathusha Ravi, India

Hello everybody!! I stopped stuttering over four years ago now, and I become more fluent every year!  I’m Prathusha Ravi, age 25, I used to stutter pitifully, but I became a PWSS (a person who stopped stuttering) and, later, a certified speech coach (CSC) at Speech Anxiety Cures, the world’s only community of EX-stutterers.  I’m […]

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Paul Brocklehurst, Ph.D.

  My name is Paul Brocklehurst; I am a Scot residing in France. I have degrees in Speech Therapy and Psycholinguistics, and I have devoted my adult life to speech research. I began stuttering at the age of 3 during a stay in hospital due to complications that arose from glandular fever. Initially my stutter […]

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Leah, South Africa

I have struggled with stuttering most of my life. I thought that I would outgrow it, but I didn’t. Sometimes, I blocked completely, causing severe anxiety and depression. I have craved for days, hours and minutes when I did not stutter– and when I did not FEAR stuttering. It consumed my thoughts and me. After […]

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Fahad M.D., Pakistan

I will soon graduate from medical school, and I have a richly rewarding story to tell about my lifelong stuttering. I began stuttering at age 4. I have suffered hesitations followed by extreme blocks and nagging repetitions, all compounded by facial distortions, mouth-jerking, gyrations of my eyebrows and excessive blinking. The physical contortions were even […]

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Josh Zello, Texas

My name is Josh Zello. I’m 23, and I live in San Antonio, Texas. I have been a severe stutterer, under pressure, stuttering on every word on bad days, since age 3. By profession, I teach the Christian Bible to approximately 1,000 children, and I’m studying to be a minister. About a year ago, in […]

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Zhenhua “Johnson” Sun, Shanghai, China

My name Is Zhenhua (Johnson) Sun; I was born and raised in China; I’ve been a severe stutterer since age 3. Very few were more severe that I was.  I was 30 when I came to the U.S. in 2014 to work on my Master’s Degree. Three months later, with enormous pressure in a foreign […]

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Richard Parent, Canada

My name is Richard Parent. I am a French-speaking Canadian with a good knowledge of English.  Some say that I have translated more books and articles on stuttering into French than anyone alive or dead. I was, up to my late forties, a rather moderate stutterer, and I have been very active, some thirty years […]

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Micah, Nashville, TN

I recently graduated from medical school.  I am 26, a resident of Nashville, and my name is Micah. I began stuttering at age 5 and stuttered about half my words under pressure. Growing up, of course, I struggled with stuttering in school, doing presentations in class, talking to strangers and authority figures and when on […]

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Steve, Stand-Up Comic

I call myself Steve.  I make my living doing stand-up comedy.  I’m a bit of gypsy, but you’ll find me mostly in the U.S.A. My battle with stuttering and blocking has existed as long as I can remember. Stuttering was like a ninja that would suddenly appear out of nowhere and strike me at the […]

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Marley, Australia

My name is Julie, and I am Marley’s mom. We live in Australia. Marley, who turned five recently, has had a rather severe stuttering problem. When he began stuttering at age three, I used to correct him, but the problem seemed to grow steadily worse. In pre-Kindergarten, he was not able to make himself understood, […]

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Agnieszka, Poland

I stuttered 80% of my words but I beat it. Lee’s methods should be the worldwide gold standardfor curing stuttering. My name is Angnieszka.  I’m 25, and I’m a financial analyst in Poland.  My English needs work, but I wrote this myself anyway.   I have stuttered almost my whole life, from the age of 2/3 […]

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Jason Ewing, Kentucky

My name is Jason Ewing, and this is my story about stuttering. I’m not a writer, but these are my thoughts as spoken to Lee, and I edited the written words, and I approve them as they are written below. I’m 42, married with two children, and live in Bardstown, Kentucky. I work in a […]

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Kerry, Ontario

My name is Kerry. My mother is a stutterer and I’ve stuttered since I was 6. When I was in school, stuttering would come in waves for me – I have periods of fluency and periods of speech disability (mostly after the summer break when I wasn’t speaking as much). I’m recently began my new […]

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Javier, Madrid, Spain

Buying Lee’s book was the best decision that I ever made.   My name is Javier. I’m 29 and I live in Madrid, Spain. I have been stuttering on many words in most situations since I was 4.  I blocked and repeated constantly. I couldn’t really talk at all to groups. I couldn’t stand it. I […]

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Abdoul, African M.D.

My name is Abdoul.  I just became a Medical Doctor in a French speaking part of West Africa. I began stuttering around age 6, and I have stuttered about half my words for almost 20 years now.  My problem was a huge problem in school and threatened to prevent me from completing my education and […]

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Hope is a very powerful strength. It pushes you to accept the toughest challenges and to believe that even the most difficult obstacles can be overtaken. Nevertheless, if you don’t have the adequate tools this hope can be very dangerous too. Constant failures are painful and can lead to resignation. This was my situation after […]

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Silvia, Italy

God bless Lee, his book was a life saver. I am Silvia and I am from Italy. I graduated in Biomedical Engineering but then I discovered my passion for programming languages and now I am working as a software engineer for a videogame company.  My first language is Italian, but I’m fluent in English, and […]

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Matthew, Age 13, Los Angeles

My name is Heather, and I write this about my son, Matthew.  Matthew began stuttering at age 3, and he is now 13.  It has been a very nagging and painful problem for him, particularly saying first words and repeating words and being silent for a very long time, and he was very anxious to […]

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Fiora (9), Newfoundland

My name is Amber, and I am the mother of Fiora, age 9. We live in Newfoundland.  Fiona began stuttering many of her words a year or two ago.  She stuttered mainly middle words.  Her stuttering was different than most.  She broke her words in the middle, “ki-iten”, “doh-og”, “pa-arty”, etc. Despite my daughter’s young […]

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Wen, L.A. & Beijing

My name is Wen and I’m a 29-year-old venture capitalist from China.  An MBA graduate of Stanford, I’ve lived in the US and China each for about 14 years, and I also speak Spanish and French. However, I never quite came to terms with stuttering until I found Lee. I’ve struggled with stuttering throughout my […]

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Iddhie, 15, Sri Lanka

My name is Iddhie.  I’m 15, and I live in Sri Lanka. My first language is Sinhala, but I’m comfortable in English. I began stuttering around age 10, and it got really bad around age 12, and under pressure I stuttered on roughly half my words. This caused me to have many unbelievably embarrassing attempts […]

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Annie M.D., Pakistan

My name is Annie. My mother and uncle stutter; so, for me, it was genetic. I’m 24 now and am in the last year of medical school in Pakistan. My languages are Urdu, Punjabi and English, in that order. I began stuttering at age 11, and it slowly grew worse until, at age 18, it […]

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Ivan, Age 11, Macedonia

My name is Ivona.  I am the mother of Ivan, who is now age 11.  We live in Macedonia.  My son, Ivan, stuttered mildly from ages 3-5; his stuttering declined for awhile, but, at age 10, he began stuttering heavily.  His problem was mainly repeats, endless repeating.  My husband and I began searching the Internet […]

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Jeremiah M.D., Chicago

Since I was four years old, I have stuttered. I’m Jeremiah; I’m 26, and I live in Chicago, and I am a second-year medical student. All throughout elementary and middle school, I was teased and bullied for my speech impediment. I remember not being able to say my name, or not being able to read […]

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Dasha, Belarus

I am Dasha.  I’m 19 and a University student.  I live in Belarus.  Russian is my first language.  I began stuttering at age 3.  While I could be fairly fluent with friends, I sometimes couldn’t talk to strangers, authorities, on the phone especially, and of course make any kind of presentation.  I had speech therapies […]

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Darvano, Bahamas

It feels like I’ve been stuttering forever. I was five, I think when I started, but a miracle happened. I was searching the internet for help with my stutter when I found Lees video and book on YouTube. It builded confidence. It encouraged me to talk to myself and to practice my speech. It also […]

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Ella, Florida

I’m 22 and am a teacher living in Florida.  Getting my words out has been a big struggle for the majority of my life. I have felt anxiety, fear, shame, and humiliation because of this stutter habit my brain created at the age of 7.  I have missed out on career opportunities, friendships and connections, […]

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Stu, Nothern Ireland

Hello, my name is Stu; I’m 35, and I live in Ireland.   I have had a stammer for as long as I can remember. My mother tells me it started around 7 years of age. This timeframe would be around the time when I woke up in bed to the sound of a number […]

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Ruz, Canada

My journey to communicate freely and easily with others was a long one, but may resonate with many others who stutter, especially those who stutter severely, sometimes even in mute silence while grimacing menacingly, as I once did.  My name is Ruz.  I’m married, have a son and live in Canada, where I am a […]

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Sergey, Moscow

My name is Sergey.  I’m 26 and I live in Moscow.  Russian is my language, and I do my best in English.  I am a software engineer.   I began stuttering at age 3.  I had problems mainly with strangers, authority figures and people at work.  All my life until now, I have had speech incidents […]

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Parul, Los Angeles

Where do I start?  I began stuttering when I was 6 years old while interacting with a guy in my neighborhood and after that stuttering never stopped.  My name is Parul; I’m a female, around 30; I live in Los Angeles, am married and work in health management. Hindi is my first language.  I stuttered […]

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Clifton, Alabama

This is a happy day for me, because I’m staking my claim to fluency right here and now.  My name is Clifton. I’m 24, and I live in Alabama, where I am a building inspector and a part time police officer.  I started stuttering around age 4, and nobody much cared or noticed until I […]

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Doug, South Carolina

In a nutshell, I’ve been stuttering severely for 55 years; I contracted severe Parkinson’s disease and some dementia a few years ago that forced me into early retirement.  My Parkinson’s is so bad now that I can barely walk; I hobble in a fashion with my walker.  Just when I thought my life was over, […]

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ZAK, Age 12, Florida

I started on this program at age 11, and I’m now a thirteen-year-old male from Florida, U.S.A. I’ve had a known stuttering problem since I was at least five.  I lived my whole life knowing I HAD to stutter.  I personally did not care at the time.  In the first grade I can remember being […]

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Linda M.D., New Jersey

I have a BA, MBA and I just received an M.D., and I am now an Internal Medicine Resident.  I’m 28 and live in New Jersey.  I started stuttering when I was 9.  I had an uncle and a grandmother who also stuttered.  Mine was generally mild growing up, but it was sometimes devasting under […]

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Moises, California, USA

Hi, my name is Moises, I live in the state of California, and like the majority of stutterers, I began stuttering at age 5. 23 years later, I finally found a way to stop stuttering, and I know that from now on, nobody will ever tell from my speech that I was a stutterer. It […]

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Clarisa, N.J.

My name is Clarisa.  I am a Haitian-American who was born and raised in New Jersey.  I began stuttering when I was around five.  My first memory of stuttering was in the first grade, when everyone had to introduce themselves.  I began blocking and repeating my words.  After that, I always struggled to talk in […]

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Nick, Finland/Greece

My name is Nikolaos, but most know me as Nick. My goal is to become the greatest salesman (and the most eloquent speaker) I can ever be.  I began stuttering at the tender age of 6, right at first grade. At that time, I was living in Greece. I was made fun of, embarrassed and […]

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Gary, New York

This is a story of 66 years of trying numerous speech therapies to stop stuttering.  Unfortunately, I was not able to obtain that goal until the winter of 2021.  That is when I happened upon Lee Lovett and his stuttering books. In around 4 months, I learned ways NOT to stutter. That was several months […]

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Lex, Oregon

My name is Lex.  I’m 30; I have a BA and MA in psychology, and I’m a data analyst.  I just became another PWSS, person who stopped stuttering.  Here’s how I did it. Today Lee asked me how long it had been since my last speech-disabled incident. It almost startled me to reply with “I’m […]

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Adam, Ontario, Canada

Hi, my name is Adam and I am 21 years old. I am extremely happy to be writing this success story because it feels like I really accomplished something important in my life that I truly worked hard for that wasn’t lifting weights or running a far distance in a short period of time or […]

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Ester, 17, Ohio

My name is Ester, I live in Ohio.  I began working on my stuttering with Coach Lee when I was 17.  I’m in college now.  I stuttered from age 3.  Every member of our family has stuttered some, and two of my younger siblings, ages 9 and 7, stuttered more than the others.  Since all […]

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Adrian, Chicago

I will never be able to thank Lee Lovett enough, for everything.  I can’t explain how important his book was for me.  My life can be segmented into “BL” (Before Lee) and “AL” (After Lee), and After Lee is a much, MUCH happier chapter and life.  By the way, my name is Adrian, I’m 34, […]

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Sun, Tokyo-China

After I post this story, I plan to keep working on my speech until I love to speak anywhere, anytime. I truly believe that Lee’s method can not only help me stop stuttering, but also make me a great speaker. If you stutter, all I can say is that Lee’s book and SAC offer solutions […]

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Chris, Australia

My name is Chris, I’m 41 and I live in Australia. I have been stuttering as long as I can remember. All my life I have been searching for ways to speak fluently, and I have tried some very well-known speech therapy programs but I won’t mention their names here. Despite this, I didn’t accomplish […]

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Yuna, Mongolia/Virginia

My name is Yuna.  I was born and raised in Mongolia, but I live in Virginia now, where I’m pursuing my dreams.  I have a degree in Computer Science.  I enjoy learning, and I’m taking an intense Philosophy course right now.  I began stuttering at age 5, and I stuttered to as much as 80% […]

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Ales, Czech Republic

“Is there a cure for stuttering? Will I ever be “normal”? Is there someone like me out there? For almost 30 years, I was convinced the answer to these questions is “NO!”  My name is Ales.  I’m 32 and I live in the Czech Republic.  I finally found answers and a ways to stop stuttering, […]

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Shifa, Qatar

My name is Shifa.  I am 19 and am one of three sisters who stuttered.  I stuttered since I can remember and have seen many Speech Language Therapists throughout my life. But thankfully my younger sister (also a stutterer) found out about coach Lee, and this wonderful community of ex-stutterers (SAC), and, with the help […]

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Arbi, California

I am so thrilled to be able to write this story.   Despite being a died in the wool stutter as long as I can remember, I was able to conquer my stuttering by reading Lee’s book (First Edition), which I did in 2016.  After using his methods for a couple of years, by 2018, I […]

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Fatoumata, Guinea/Morocco

My name is Fatoumata.  I was born and raised in Guinea, but I live in Morocco, where I am in school, studying Quality and safety management.  French is my first language, and I also speak English very well.  I started stuttering very young, age 3 or so, and I’m 27 now.  My main problem has […]

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Adam, Maryland

My name is Adam.  I’m 33 and I live in Maryland.  I’m married with two children and I work with the U.S. Army.  I began stuttering around the age of four, and I recall seeing a speech therapist throughout elementary school.  My first big memory of stuttering negatively impacting my life was around 7th grade, […]

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Stiliyan, Bulgaria

My name is Stiliyan, I am a 29 years old software engineer from Bulgaria. I have been stuttering ever since I was around 9. It started very mildly in the beginning but quickly grew to be quite severe as I had my first few very embarrassing moments in school. I still remember the utter dread […]

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Asma, Age 15, Qatar

I am a 15 year old girl.  My name is Asma, and I live in Qatar. I’m really shy, and I just can’t post links to my coaching videos, I’m sorry for that but my story should be no less interesting. I live in a family of stutterers. I stuttered from age 3.  I was […]

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Karen, Australia

Hi! My name is Karen. I have stuttered my whole life and never thought the day would come that one day I would stop stuttering.  Growing up, I did not have a voice and was basically a muted child, fearing that each time I opened my mouth, I would block or force my words. I […]

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Konstanin, Russia-New York

My name is Konstantin; I’m 21 and I used to stutter. My English is still a work in progress, but I wrote every word below myself. I was born in Russia and came to the United States when I was twelve years old. I started stuttering about a year after I came to the United […]

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Kireem, Florida

Hello I am Kireem.  I live in Florida and I work in the orthopedic manufacturing business.  I’m 22 and I began stuttering around age 7. In recent years, I have blocked and hesitated on over half my words. When I was in school, I had some therapy sessions but it didn’t help me with anything […]

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Lucas, Illinois

My name is Luke G. I am a 21-year-old college athlete, and I’m pursuing my bachelor’s degree in Finance and Accounting. I began stuttering at the age of three and have had many highs and lows with my speech. The highs (points of fluency), although rare in the past, have been confidence boosters and points […]

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Fiona, England

My name is Fiona, I’m 34 years old and live in the UK. I don’t remember the first time I stammered, but I do know I’ve never known a time without it – until I stumbled across Lee Lovett’s book, that is! Having been living with a fluctuating stammer for over 30 years, varying from […]

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Mirko, Italy

I am 30 years old and I am from Italy. My oldest memory of stuttering was one day when I was on the phone with my aunt, as a young kid, and I remember that I had to say the word “otto” (eight in Italian) and instead I forced it and said “cotto” (cooked in […]

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Brooke, Oklahoma

My name is Brooke, and I live in Oklahoma.  I have been stuttering since I can remember. I was always in speech classes in school growing up and it was really embarrassing. People would tease me a lot. I absolutely hated reading aloud in class and hated presenting in front of my classmates. In junior […]

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Mohi, New Jersey

My name is Mohi.  I’m 23 and live in New Jersey.  I’ve been stuttering since I was age six, and I have stuttered about a third of my words.  It was always worse to authority figures and strangers.  I can remember all through school that I could talk to one person pretty well but when […]

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Yuying, Ireland

Hello, my name is Yuying, I am 33 years old, Chinese, I am currently living in Dublin, Ireland. I have a BA and a Masters, and I am an accountant. I do not recall when exactly I started stuttering, the earliest experience I had was in an English class when I was around 10, I […]

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Freddy, Singapore

I’m happy to credit to Lee and his book (Sep 2021 version-How to Stop Stuttering & Love Speaking) and WSSA (with tons of content to help educate stutterers on ways to use Lee’s methods better), all of which  enabled me to stop my stuttering.   My name is Freddy; I am 51, hail from Malaysia, and […]

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SUE (Mom), Coleen (9) and David (7) Midwest, U.S.

This is THREE Stopped Stuttering Stories in one!  My name is Sue. I’ve stuttered since childhood, as did my nine year old daughter, Coleen, and my seven year old son, David.  We mostly did repeats with some blocks and silences.  I went through some speech therapy in high school, but I didn’t find lasting relief.  […]

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Monzur, Bangladesh

My name is Monzur.  I’m 51 and I live in Bangladesh.  I have a Masters in Engineering Management.  I’m married and the father of three.  This is my story.  Let me begin with my conclusion:  After stuttering all my life, I have stopped it.  I have never been happier in my life!!! I believe I was […]

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Nico, Italy

My name is Nico.  I’m 35 and I live in Milan, Italy.  I have an MBA in Finance and work in the government.  I began stuttering at age 13. It was humiliating in school but it seemed to get better until I was 19, when it got much worse.  I took a number of therapy […]

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Stephanie, 19, New York

I have stuttered all my life.  My very first words, they tell me, were stuttered.   All through school, every time that I had to talk or read to the class, I stuttered pitifully.  This carried over into conversations.  It was horrible.  I had lots of therapy during my school years.  I seemed to stutter […]

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Interjeet, Australia

I am so thrilled to say that, incredibly, I haven’t had a bad speech incident in over two months.  I was nine when I first stuttered, and I suffered with it in school. My name is Interjeet; I live in Australia, and I’m 22 now.  I’ve always hated stuttering, but I found ways to hide […]

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Cindy, Los Angeles

My name is Cindy. I am 26. I am a financial analyst living in Los Angeles, where I am required to do lots of stressful phone work and business presentations. I have stuttered since 1st grade, and, in some cases, on 75% of my words. I have now learned many ways to avoid those stutters, […]

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Christian, New York City

I’m Christian; I am 25 years old, and I live in New York City, and I will graduate as a Physician Assistant in May. I have been a stutterer for as long as I can remember. In a way it became a part of me; it became who I was. “Stuttering can’t be cured” was […]

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Nawaf, France/Arabia

Today is a big day. Not for myself only. But for all those who work on having their lives in their hands. The ones who write their stories, define themselves, aim for mountain peaks, never give up, and—those who are objective, reasonable, wise, smart, and agile. Today, I celebrate my graduation ceremony. I no longer […]

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Michael, Texas

I am thrilled to be able to say that Lee’s book led to my self-cure.  My name is Michael; I am 50, live in Texas, and work as a senior leader for major oil & gas company managing a large global team.  Although I have a successful career, it has been inhibited by stuttering. As […]

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Oliver, Norway

Hi, my name is Oliver and I’m from Norway. My first language is Norwegian. I started to stutter around the age of 5 to 70% of the words and I always feared speaking to group and authority figures. I work as a Psychiatry nurse hence I had to talk to my patients and introduce myself […]

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Sherry, California

My name is Sherry.  I’m a Ph.D in Biology, and I do biochemical research at a major University.  I found Coach Lee’s books, WSSA’s program and Coach Lee so helpful that I volunteered to translate his “Stop Stuttering SHORT Course” book into Chinese.  My translation will be on WSSA’s website when you read this.  I […]

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Danny, Connecticut

Perfection. The word I strived for when it came to speech fluency.  My name is Danny; I’m 34, and I live in Connecticut.   I became a PWS on 27 May 2007. I will always remember the place and time of that event because I was in Giants Stadium, in East Rutherford, New Jersey, watching […]

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Mohammed, Doha

Hello, my name is Mohammed, I am from Doha. Basically, I was able to learn enough by studying WSSA’s website and from Lee Lovett’s book, “How to Stop Stuttering” to stop my stuttering. I started to stutter at a very young age and stuttered 50 to 60 % of the words and I clearly remember […]

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John, Chicago

My name is John, and I’m a medical student from Chicago, IL. I started stuttering at the age of 8, which coincided with the onset of severe OCD (both stemming from my perfectionist and people pleasing tendencies). Over the years, I attended hundreds of speech therapy sessions, with little lasting impact. My SLP, although very […]

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Marion, London

My name is Marion; I am 30, French by nationality, and I manage an investment fund in London. I stuttered from age 6, until recently. I was a very situational stutterer, but my speech could swing from seamless fluency to severe blocks when under pressure, causing humiliating silences. My condition worsened substantially after I graduated […]

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Alex, Winnipeg, Canada

My name is Alex.  I’m 21 years old and live in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.  I’m currently a university student studying accounting.  I began stuttering at the age of three. As I wrote to John Harrison, Lee Lovett’s program is by far the best practical approach I’ve ever heard of to address chronic stuttering.  It definitely […]

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Braxton, Germany

I’m 23. I’m in the U.S. Army and I’m stationed in Germany. My name is Braxton, and I began stuttering around at age 4. I considered myself a medium level blocker with quite a bit of anxiety about my speech and I had the most problems dealing with strangers and authority figures. Any kind of […]

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Gordan, Washington D.C.

My name is Gordon.  I’m 29, and I live in Washington, D.C., where I work in IT.  I began stuttering at age 12.  I was a mild blocker, forcing words here and there, but most people did not view me as a stutterer.  Although I was really nervous and held back my speech in many […]

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Cassie, New York

Living with a stutter has been a journey. It is present equally in all the languages that I speak whether it be French, English , Creole or Spanish.  As I teach languages, this heightens my problems.  At the age of nine, I got acquainted with speech anxiety when my stutter appeared. I only spoke with a few trusted friends who saw […]

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Jiang, Taiwan

My name is Jiang.  I am 26; I am an accountant and live in Taiwan.  Chinese is my language, but I wrote this story myself and I asked Lee to edit it as needed to make it readable by English-speakers.  I began stuttering at age 12.  I stuttered around half my words.  I stuttered worst […]

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Jorge, Miami

I’m Jorge; I’m 30, and I live in Miami. I have an AB in Economics and I’m a financial analyst.  I began stuttering at age 5 or so. I was closet stutterer; that is, I only stuttered sometimes.  So, some people didn’t know that I stuttered, but in some situations I stuttered really badly. My […]

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Robbie, Texas

Stuttering has always been a big part of my life.  You might say that it’s been the predominant thought of my life, until now.  I can remember when it took hold of me; I was six.  It always hurt the most in school, when I was asked to say something in class, my name or […]

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KATHERINE, Los Angeles

 I began stuttering when very young and, when pressured, I stuttered on 40% of my words.  I am Katherine.  I live in Los Angeles, and I’m 36.  Mandarin is my first language.  I’m married, and I work in the banking industry.   Lately, my stuttering has bothered me increasingly.  I found Lee’s book on Amazon, and […]

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Rhythm, India

Hi , My name is Rhythm and I am from India. I am 19 and I am doing my bachelor’s degree in computer science. I speak Hindi and English. I started stuttering when I was around 4. I stuttered like 80% of the words I spoke. It was very harsh and depressing. When I was […]

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Sahil, New Jersey

Hi, I’m Sahil, I was 19 in late 2020, and I had been stuttering pitiably as long as I could remember.  About a year later, after studying Lee’s book and being coached by him, I simply stopped appearing to be a stutterer.  That was about a year ago.  I have not relapsed.  How did this […]

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Dennis, Germany

Hi stranger.   If you feel hopeless, if you are close to giving up and just want to admit that you will have to play it small, be okay with living a life under your means. That you simply have to settle for less, then STOP because THIS STORY IS FOR YOU!!! My name is Dennis.  I […]

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Tina, Michigan

Ever since I was a little girl, I didn’t know any other way to speak, but some form of stuttering. I come from a family of stutters. Even so, throughout my journey to stop stuttering, I learned that stuttering is not hereditary, as most stutterers have no other stutterers in their families.  Stuttering is just […]

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Daniel, Indiana

I’m Daniel.  I’m 18 and am a student at MIT.  I began stuttering at age eleven. At first, I was blocking on words that began with “t,” but as time passed, stuttering gradually creeped into more words and sentences, creating intense anxiety.  At its peak, I stuttered on 85% of my words.  After some embarrassing […]

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Esai, Puerto Rico

After experiencing an event that would threaten my career, I had enough and decided to attack my blocking. My name is Esaí, and I live in Puerto Rico. I have blocked, stuttered, and even accompanied those with awkward gestures since I was approximately four. This was true for phone calls, in front of groups, authority […]

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Jorge, Mexico

My name is Jorge and I live in central Mexico. I have studied philosophy, accounting, and finance. In my last twenty years I have worked in finance/controlling and right now I am a Chief Financial Officer of an industrial company. In the first years of my professional career as a financial person, my work did […]

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James, New Jersey

I’m James; I’m 20 and a student at Fordham.  I’ve been stuttering since I was five.  Under pressure, such as speaking in class, I have stuttered up to 80% of my words.  It was horrible; that is, I was so embarrassed to speak; it destroyed my self-confidence and made me want to go into a […]

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Rondel, Trinidad

My name is Rondel Rampartap, I am from the Caribbean island, Trinidad and Tobago.  I am 23 years old.  I began stuttering at a tender age of 4. I was constantly told that there are no cures for stuttering and I am destined to live with it forever. However, i still believed and remained positive […]

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Daniel, Texas

My name is Daniel and I am currently living in Texas, USA. I’m 24 years old and I’ve been stuttering since I can remember. From what I know, I began stuttering when I was 3, so, basically, all my life. And obviously, this has affected every aspect of my life. Thinking, worrying about my speech, […]

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Bobby, Washington State

My name is Bobby, and I live in the state of Washington.  I have stuttered since I was 3 or 4 years old. My father also stuttered growing up, but overcame it in his college years.  I went to speech therapy for a few years in elementary school, without much help. My speech was at […]

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Gus, Brazil

My name is Gus; I’m 28 and I live in Brazil.  I started stuttering at age 12.  It gradually increased to half my words or so.  It slowly took over my life.  By age 25, I was thinking about stuttering 58 minutes of every hour.  It was driving me crazy.  So, I went online and […]

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Ankit, New Delhi

My name is Ankit; I’m 28, single, a Hindu born in India, now residing in New Delhi. I work as a computer programmer. I have been stuttering since age 3. It has been an ugly and a very heavy cross to carry. I had several therapies in the past. While some of these have helped […]

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Gopes Niraula, Nepal-D.C.

My name is Gopes Niraula. I was born and raised in Nepal and Nepali and English are my primary languages. I’m 42, married and have two children. For the past ten years, I have lived in Washington, D.C. By profession, I am an IT systems’ analyst. I began stuttering with my first words as an […]

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Hrithik Roshan, India

Hrithik Roshan, who is among the most famous Indian actors, offers another, well-known example of a self-cure of stuttering. While Mr. Roshan has not worked with SAA, he has used and uses one of the regimens that SAA recommends: Reading aloud. In 2011, Mr. Roshan publicly disclosed that he has long had a stuttering problem […]

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Shak, London

They call me Shak, I’m from London and I started stuttering at the age of 8. I turn 28 years old in a few weeks, so that’s almost 20 years of hellish stuttering! Throughout the years my speech would fluctuate, going from very fluent to stuttering and blocking on every sentence. Since an early age, […]

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JINFENG, Beijing, China

  Mandarin is my language, and this is my story. I am Jinfeng and I live in Beijing, China. I am 21 and in college, in electrical engineering. Stuttering, for me, has been the biggest problem and barrier to a successful and happy life. I began stuttering very young, maybe around first grade. I once […]

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HARUN, Bosnia

  I live in Herzegovina, Bosnia, where I am a college student. My name is Harun, and I’m 23. I can’t remember when I first stuttered, but it’s always been a problem with strangers and even worse when public speaking. The first time that I remember it being horrifying was in high school. I was […]

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Tim, Singapore

My name is Tim. I’m 28, was born in France and live in Singapore. I hold a Master’s degree in Computer Science and work in finance. I began stuttering at age 4 and I characterized my stutter problem as “mild” because I don’t stutter with some of my friends.  I met with speech therapists when […]

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SEBASTIÁN, Santiago, Chile

My name is Sebastian, I’m 48 years old from Santiago Chile. I have been stuttering since very young, getting knowledge of my speech at the age of 10. Since then, my whole life has been, in one way or another, about my way of speaking.  As for many stutterers, I suffered a lot in my […]

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Soraia Zalin, Brazil

Preface by SAA: For many different reasons, there are many PWS who prefer to remain anonymous. They appear on Facebook and elsewhere online under pseudonyms and post artwork or nothing in lieu of their pictures. SAA respects their wish for privacy. The story below, of Soraia Zalin, is about one such PWS. It is her […]

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Apoorv, India

I am Apoorv.  I’m 30 and live in India.  Hindi is my first language.  I have a Masters in Chemical Enginering.  I began stuttering at age 8 and until I began using Lee Lovett’s methods, I was stuttering around one-third of my words.  I also avoided looking in people’s eyes, as it increased my stuttering.  […]

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Vikram, Washington, D.C.

Hello everybody, I’m Vikram Nandyala, age 22, male from Washington DC. I work as a management consultant. I stuttered since age 4 to 40% of the words.  Stuttering is something that has always been an obstacle for me up until now and it is something that I always thought would bring me down. I have […]

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Sree, California

My name is Sree. I am 35 years old. I was born in India, and I currently live in California, USA. I am a software engineer by profession. I have a Ph.D. in Computer Science.  I remember stuttering since I was 5 or 6 years old. My father tells me that I was once imitating […]

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Andrew, Canada

My name is Andrew. I’m 39, married and have two children. I am a native Canadian and live in Toronto and work in equity research for a bank. I majored in computer science at university. I have had problems with my speech for as long as I can remember. I guess you can call me […]

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Thomas, New Zealand

My name is Thomas. I live in New Zealand but I was born and raised in India. I’m 27 and Malayalam (an Indian dialect) is my first language, and this is this is the story of my life battle with stuttering. It was like a nightmare. It began when I entered school, at age six. […]

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Jay, Los Angeles

My name is Jay, and I’m from Los Angeles. I’m 36, married with a daughter. I work for CBS TV in the financial department, where I manage a group of financial analysts. I hold a B.A. and a MBA in finance. My first memory of stuttering was at the age seven in school. When asked […]

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Oumaima, Morocco

My name is Oumaima; I am 24. I live in Morocco, and Arabic is my first language. I am in my sixth year of medical school. I began stuttering at age six, and it was pretty severe, even 100% under pressure. I have had various therapies, mainly related to breathing, but they weren’t much help. […]

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Deven, Texas

My name is Deven and I am 27 living in Texas. I am an accountant at an oil company. I began stuttering in the first grade. The teacher used to make us read aloud to the class. I was nervous and stuttered and everyone had a good laugh. The more that I stuttered, the more […]

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Nick, Canada

My name is Nick. I’m 30 and I live in Canada, where I am a biologist. I have stuttered since age 3. I guess that I had a “medium” stutter, but it was bad enough to cause me incredible embarrassments and pain in school and social situations for most of the last 27 years. As […]

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Ivan, Russia

My name is Ivan Andreevich. I am 18 and live in a rural area of Russia. Russian is my first language; so, this is my story as I told it to Lee. Since age three, I have suffered severe blocks, stutters and hesitations on 80% of my words under pressure. I have never had any […]

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Vaibhav, Canada

I am Vaibhav, a 33-year-old Artificial Intelligence researcher from Canada. I have been stuttering since I was 9 years old so it has been nearly most of my life. In recent years, I have stuttered on most words and made facial contortions of sorts.  I do not know how it exactly started but I have […]

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Gabor, Hungary

I’m Gabor, I’m in my thirties and I live in Hungary, Europe. I’ve stuttered since I was maybe 4 or 5 years old.  I considered myself pretty severe and I had the same negative experiences as anyone else in this situation: humiliating public speaking incidents at school, mocking/bullying, feeling that I’m inferior, followed by traditional […]

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Sarah, Vancouver

This is Sarah. I’m 31 and live in Vancouver.  I have been a severe stutterer my entire life and this is my speech journey. My stuttering started all of a sudden at the age of 3 with a high fever. That’s what my family tells me but I never cared about what caused it but […]

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Clay, Texas

Hello! My name is Clay, I’m 24 years old and I live in the state of Texas, USA. Just like the majority of the PWS out there, I’ve been stuttering for as long as I can remember. This curse has been always part of my life, although it has been very situational, so, depending on […]

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Raj, Idaho

My name is Raj. I am a priest. I have stuttered since the age of about 6. I live in Idaho, but I grew up in Mumbai, India, stuttering had been a big factor due to which I held back myself from all activities in my life. In school I was a very good student […]

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D.A., Indonesia

I began stuttering at age 5. I ranged from mild to severe with blocks that sometimes kept me from speaking at all. I am 23 years old now, and I live in Jakarta, Indonesia. I don’t really like to talk about my problems with strangers, and I don’t feel comfortable yet putting my name and […]

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Mike, New York

I tried drugs to beat stuttering, and they not only didn’t work, they almost killed me.  I’m Mike.  I’m 38 and I live in New York.  I’m married with two kids, and I have a B.A. in Economics, and I’m a Business Analyst for a large company.   My story starts like most, but it accelerated […]

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Akenee, Georgia, USA

For as long as I can remember, dating back to kindergarten, I have been stuttering. The terrible memories associated with my speech, has led me to have heightened levels of anxiety. It was the main culprit of my inferiority complexes. It made me a very quiet, shy and reserved individual. I was bullied for it […]

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Shubham, Mumbai, India

My name is Shubham. I am from Mumbai, India. I am 24 years old. I completed my graduation in E&TC Engineering. I remember my childhood when I was around 5 years old I was mostly fluent and spoke spontaneously. As a kid I was shy and sensitive. But when I turned six years old I […]

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Amer, Bosnia

Hi everyone. My name is Amer. I’m 29 and I am from Bosnia. My stuttering started at the age of 7, first upon elementary school. I don’t recall concrete event that triggered my stuttering, but I surely remember all the frustrations and hard times that I went through. On first days in high school we […]

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Brunel, New York

My name is Brunel.  I’m 23 and live in New York.  I speak Creole, French and English, and I’ve stuttered since I was 3.  I’ve had severe blocks to 100% of my words all my life. My mother, who died, was a stutterer, and so was my brother.  I never had any therapy. When I […]

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Div, Melbourne, Australia

Lee enabled me to accomplish something that was very important to me – pass a difficult verbal English competency test and I want others to know how much his methods help speech.   They call me “Div”.  I’m 25 and live in Melbourne, Australia.  My first language is Gujarati, a Hindi dialect.  I have been […]

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Tom, Boston

I call myself Tom.  I’m 30, and I live in Texas.  I’m a data analyst for a major University.  I started stuttering at age 5 and stuttered around 60% of my words, mainly blocks and repeats, in many conversations.  I had therapies during school, but they didn’t solve the problem.  In mid-2023, I found Lee’s […]

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Sam, Georgia, USA

Since the bright age of 4, my voice has been shackled with chains of restraint. Rehearsing Bible verses and the Lord’s Prayer out-loud for an audience to hear were painstaking tasks. Short recitals were followed by informal conversations among the family. My attempts at proper communication was a rocky road filled with potholes and barriers. […]

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Jeremy, UK

How many PWS beat stuttering by simply reading “How to Stop Stuttering and Love Speaking”? That’s what I did – and I had been stuttering very noticeably for more than 70 years!  I had perfected the habit of stuttering, but, after reading and re-reading (out loud of course!) Lee’s great book, and applying its methods, […]

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Griff, Maryland

My name is Griffin.  I’m 30, married and live in Maryland.  I am an accountant and filmmaker by trade.  I began stuttering at age six. I was a situational stutter, but I blocked severely in many situations and embarrassed myself and my friends repeatedly.  I used to think about stuttering about 60% of my waking […]

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Jonathan, Wyoming

I’ve considered myself to be a stammerer for 10 years. I remember when I first noticed myself stammering at about 11 years old and immediately attaching negative connotations to it. I thought that it was my special problem.  It was just beginning. My name is Jonathan.  I’m 21 and in college in Wisconsin.  I am […]

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Greg, New Jersey

My name is Greg. I’m 25, a sports reporter, residing in New Jersey. My job is doing interviews in person and by phone and writing about sports events and athletes. If I can’t speak, I simply can’t perform my job. Until recently, I have been a situational stutterer with shut-down stutters or complete blocks at […]

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Daniel, Singapore

I started stuttering at age six, and I had lots of blocks, especially to authority figures.  My name is Daniel, and I’m 25. I live in Singapore, and I speak Chinese and English. I’ve had quite a bit of therapies.  In the Camperdown Program, they told me to “sing whenever I speak”. This worked for […]

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Abdulla, United Kingdom

Hello, I am Abdulla. I have been fighting with stuttering for as long as I can remember.  My bad habits had led me into never finding a cure. This year I decided to address this problem since it was bothering me and my social life. It made me feel inferior to people when in reality […]

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Vlad, South Africa

Vlad is my name. I’m 41, and I have been looking for fluency since my pre-teen years. I had therapies in my pre-teens and teens again a few years ago, but nothing has really come near to solving the problem. I’m currently employed as business consultant by a multinational agency in South Africa, where I […]

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Vincent, Florida

Some say that stuttering can’t be stopped.  They’re wrong. This is Vincent writing. I’m 42 and live in Florida.  I was a situational stutterer (anxiety stutterer) until recently. Now that I have taken control of my speech, I am in a new chapter of my life with a new job and new challenges having to […]

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Ciaran, England

My name is Ciaran and I’m 31 years old and I currently reside in Liverpool, England.  I have stuttered ever since I can remember, probably since around age 5.  I consider it severe, as I stuttered around every other word, and “pressure” to me was EVERYWHERE, strangers, family, friends, everybody.  I just stuttered every time […]

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Arthur, Florida

Hi all I’m Art, I’m 25 and live in Florida.  I started stuttering at a fairly young age.  I didn’t really pay any mind to it until I was about 10 where words I wanted to say couldn’t come out of my mouth while my peers were speaking with ease. It was frustrating but I always […]

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David, Ohio

Hello, my name is Dave and I live in Ohio.  I have degrees in accounting and finance and work in a private business.  I’m married and have two children.  I started stuttering when I was three years old.  My parents say that I used to say my words backwards and then it developed into a […]

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Mark T., Massachusetts

My name is Mark.  I am an attorney working for a pharmaceutical company.  I began stuttering at a very young age. It was its worst in my school years.  Since then, as I don’t try cases, it has bothered me mainly when dealing with authority figures.  In some cases, it was impaired by blocks on […]

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Lam, California

I stuttered on 90% of my words under pressure.  I began stuttering at age ten. My name is Lam, a Vietnamese name, and I work for a medical company in California.  By my late fifties, I still stuttered most of the time, except when I was alone or, sometimes, with my family. I took some […]

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Noam, Israel

My name is Noam, I’m 22 years old from Israel working in high tech. English is not my first language, but I write this in English anyway.  I began stuttering at age 4, I considered myself a medium level stutterer. With my close family and close friends I stuttered much less than usual, I had […]

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John, Scotland

My name is John Kerr and I come from Glasgow, Scotland.  I’m 48, and I have stammered since the age of 4.  When I was a child, my mother took me to numerous Speech therapists but that had no real effect.  I don’t believe that any of them had ever stuttered; so, it had to […]

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Brandon, Singapore

I go by “Brandon” in the English speaking world or “Chenguu” where I live in Singapore.  I;m 25 now, and I started stuttering late, at age 15. My problem was mainly blocks and mostly in social settings.  Other than that, I was fluent. So, lots of people didn’t know that I stuttered, but quite a […]

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Yusuke, University Professor

My name is Yusuke, and I am 37 years old, married with one daughter. I have a Ph.D. in Psychology and am a University Professor living in the Middle Atlantic States. I am originally from Japan and moved to the U.S. when I was 19. I have been a stutterer since age 8 as far […]

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GEORGE, Mexico

  My name is George. I’m 45, a chemical engineer residing in Mexico. I began stuttering at age 8. I had therapy at ages 8 and 9 but it was no help. I tended to repeat words, block and sometimes jerk my head when I tried to force the words out. It has always been very situational with […]

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Joe, Texas

My name is Joe.  I’m in my thirties, and I have a Ph.D. in behavioral psychology, and I’m a Leadership Development Manager for a very large company.  For as long as I can remember, I’ve stuttered when I speak. However, I have not had a “bad incident” (defined as appearing speech-disabled) in many months.  I […]

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Tamara, Georgia, Europe

I’m Tamar. I’m 40 and I live in Georgia, near Russia.  My first language is Georgian.   I have a BA and an MA and have a managerial position with a government agency.  My stuttering story is  a common case.  It  starts from my childhood around 3 or 4 . I had been stuttering up […]

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Pawan, Australia

I am an ex-stutterer, and I wrote this book review on Amazon: “If you stutter then just reading and following this one book is all you need to do to stop the habit. Lee is a lovely person who is sharing his learnings with everyone and wants to help everyone. Don’t go anywhere else, he […]

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Laxman, Lisbon, Portugal.

My friends call me Laxman, I live in Lisbon, Portugal but I’m indigenously from Nepal, India. I’m 18. I’m a multi-lingual who can speak Nepali, Hindi, Portuguese and English. I began stuttering from the age of 7. People told me that I’m bewitched with stuttering because of my previous birth’s sins and as a kid […]

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Amreet, Nepal

I do not write English good, but I try here.  I am Amreet. I live in Nepal and am 17. I stutter from childhood to as much as 70% of my words.  My sister stutters. I cannot afford therapy. I find coach Lee on Internet and read his book and Skype with him.  He is […]

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Amit, India

My name is Amit, I’m 23 years old and I live in the north-eastern part of India, in an industrial city named Purulia. I’m currently studying electrical engineering in university, and I’ve been stuttering for most of my life (since age 5). I’ve been suffering a terrible speaking problem since the very beginning, not being […]

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Jimmy, Germany

My friends call me Jimmy.  I’m 25 and I live in Germany.  I just finished medical school.  I started stuttering when I was five.  I tended to repeat words, especially first syllables, and I also did some blocking.  I did some therapy, desensitivity training, but it didn’t take. I found Lee’s book on Amazon and […]

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Daniel, Israel

I began stuttering around age 8, and it has plagued me all my life.  My biggest problems have been talking to strangers, important conversations, talking to groups and talking on the phone.  I’ve even had problems sometimes talking to my own family. I never know when it’s going to hit me. When it does, I […]

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Mansur, Nigeria

I live in Nigeria in a place that doesn’t have good internet connections and there are no ways to get speech therapy here that I know of.  My name is Mansur and I’m 30 years old. I began stuttering at age 4. My stuttering under pressure is on around half of my words. My biggest […]

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Tom, The Netherlands

I am at my late 30’s and stutter since I am at kindergarten. It just happened to me; one day I came home from school and was stuttering.  As I stuttered for many years, I have developed my own techniques mostly to hide it. At school especially during the reading classes I sat always at […]

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Faris, Pakistan

My name is Faris and I am from Pakistan. My first language is Urdo, but I try to write this in English.  My age is 26 and I considered myself as a moderate stutterer till few weeks ago. I developed stuttering when I was 8 years old. Throughout these years I stuttered on 95% of […]

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Larry, United Kingdom

My name is Larry, and I work in IT in the U.K.  I started stuttering at age 10; that was 23 years ago.  My stuttering has ranged from medium to severe, even to 100%, with silent, prolonged blocks, sometimes lasting ten seconds or more.  This sometimes caused erratic eye movements and made me avoid eye […]

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Brian, Spain and Wales

Believe. The first thing that I gained from Lee’s book was the belief that I was able to stop stuttering. Then I transformed this belief into a reality! My name is Brian, I am a Sports Massage therapist from Catalonia and I am currently studying a BSc in Physiotherapy. I work in Wales with my […]

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Valentine, Georgia

I began stuttering at age six.  It got much worse in my school years and it left many scars.  My name is Valentine.  I’m 44 and live in Georgia.  I earned a B.S. in Economics and a Masters in IT, and I work in finance in a large company now.  I had therapy at a […]

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George, London, UK

My name is George and I’m a 24 year-old accountant from London, UK. I’ve been struggling with my speech since I was 5. I had some therapies over the years, but in the end they didn’t make much difference. I ended up accepting that I would be a stutterer for the rest of my life […]

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Bernd, Germany

My name is Bernd, I am 36 years old, and I come from Germany. I started to stutter around the age of 4 to 30 % of the words and I am a situational stutterer which means, I stutter more when the pressure is more and vice versa. Mainly, my stutter depends on the situation, […]

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Dev, Mumbai

I am Dev, and I am from India.  Hindi is my first language. I had been stuttering badly since I was five.  I was ridiculed and humiliated in school many times. I found Coach Lee’s book on Amazon in 2017; I was 18 then.  His book made so much sense to me. My problem had […]

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Tyler, Texas

My name is Tyler and stuttering has been a part of my life ever since I can remember. I used to stutter on as much as half my words.  In grade school (I believe 3rd grade) I can remember being taken from class to do some sort of in school speech therapy.  My speech caused many embarrassing […]

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Ingrid, Oklahoma

I’m 21 and a college student.  I live in Oklahoma. My name is Ingrid.  I began stuttering at age 5. That was the year my mother died.  I grew up with the idea that stuttering was permanent, as I had been told it was. I had a grandfather who stuttered severely and died stuttering severely. […]

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Dhanush, India, July 2020

My name is Dhanush Javaraiah Kumaraswamy, I am from Mysuru, Karnataka, India. I am 22 years old.  I began stuttering at the age of 5. My mother told me that I used to mimic a character from a movie who used to stutter. Initially my parents laughed and took it lightly because they taught that […]

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John, Houston, Texas

I’m 15 years old now.  My name is John, and I live in Houston, Texas.  I was six when I started stuttering, and it gradually ballooned up to 90% of my words.  Of course, it hurt me most in school.  Sometimes I couldn’t say much of anything, and it was grossly embarrassing.  Sometimes, I thought […]

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Bharath, Singapore

My name is Bharath; I’m 23, and I live in Singapore.  I am thrilled beyond words with my speech now, and I have not had a bad incident (appearing speech disabled) in roughly six weeks.  Even so, I still have fears that I may not know the Crutches well enough to overcome all future speech-panics.  […]

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Phil, Ireland

My name is Phil.  I’m 40, and I reside in Ireland.  I have a Masters in Engineering, and I work as Renewable Energy Engineer.  I began stuttering at age, and, under pressure, I stuttered more than half my words.   I believe, as Lee does, that stuttering is in the mind and can be cured by […]

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Lynn, Florida

My name is Lynn, and I live in Florida.  I have stuttered since I was 5 years old.  Various speech therapies given by speech pathologists over the years have been of limited help.  Due to avoidance of stressful speaking situations I have largely been a covert stutterer; that is, most people don’t know that I […]

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Janeel, Johannesburg

My name is Janeel.  I live in Johannesburg, South Africa.  I am 30 and I am a software developer.  My stutter has been holding me back for the last 20 years and I often kept quiet in a fear of stuttering and did not say anything at all.  I prayed that it would just disappear […]

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Jay, Maharashtra, India

I am Dhananjay from India and I am 22 years old. I have been stuttering since the age of 6 to 60% of the words. At that time my stuttering was not significant but with time my stuttering became prominent which felt worse. As I grew up I started to face a plethora of embarrassments […]

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Vaskov, Denmark

I am a 27 years old PWSS who lives in Denmark. I had a stutter for as long as I can remember (roughly it started at the age of 6). The stuttering really affected my social life over the years and also some decisions in life that was based on my disabled speech (like skipping […]

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Shuozhi, Utah-China

I grew up in China and had a stutter since I was six or seven years old. I don’t remember how it started. My guess is that it has something to do with me starting going to primary school around that time. Most Chinese speak Mandarin but there are many dialects. To help people communicate […]

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Imran, Illinois

My name is Imran, and I’ve been stuttering all my life. I can say that I have tried every kind of therapy there is, but after reading Lee’s book, I believe that stuttering is in my head. Finding Lee’s book, and then discovering Speech Anxiety Cures, was like a light at the end of the […]

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Vishal, New Jersey

Hi, my name is Vishal and I am a 21 year old student. I am pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering. I have been stuttering for as long as I can remember and it wasn’t until I came across Speech Anxiety Cures that I really began seeing an improvement in my speech. I grew […]

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Tom, Texas

I am Tom. I’m 32 and live in Texas, where I work in the construction business. I began stuttering at age 13 and struggled with half or so of my words, under pressure, even doing some shut-down blocking, which gave me headaches, a tight neck and throat. It was worst when I had to talk […]

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Farooq, Canada

My name is Farooq; I live in Canada, where I am in the insurance business. My journey towards speaking fluently in any situation has been a long one, full of ups and downs, successes and failures all along the way. There were many times that I actually gave up and thought that I would just […]

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Anand, India

Hi, I’m Anand from Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India. I am 29 years of age and have stuttered since childhood on most words. Earlier I would always stutter at all situations. I would have to force my words out when I was trying to put forward my point in front of people in meetings, group discussions […]

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Aadit, India

Hello Everyone. I am Aadit (INDIA), a stutterer. I am 25. I made my speech fluent by using breathing and jaw-tongue techniques, but those methods were tiring and mechanical. I discovered the book. Stuttering & Anxiety Self-Cures, by Lee Lovett Sir and its methods and Skyped with him, and this has made it much easier […]

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John, San Francisco

My parents tell me that I stuttered severely from the time that I first began talking. I don’t remember any part of my childhood when I did not stutter.  My name is John, and I’m a corporate attorney. As is common with other childhood stutterers, I suffered the humiliation of class presentations, starting in elementary […]

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José, Costa Rica

I stuttered since I can remember. However, its severity and manifestations have evolved throughout time.  I’m 34 and I live in Costa Rica.  I am a software engineer. During my childhood and early teens this didn’t impose a massive challenge in my life as I felt I had it under control. It didn’t impede me […]

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Saniya, Qatar

My name is Saniya I am a 21-year-old college student, and I’m pursuing my bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering. I began stuttering at the age of three and have had many stuttering incidents since then.  I’m a situational stutterer, and I grew up very confused wondering why I was stuttering in some occasions and why […]

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Nadim, Lebanon & U.K.

My name is Nadim and I am currently studying in London, United Kingdom. I am 19 years old and originally from Lebanon.  English is not my first language.  So, I asked Coach Javier to help me write this story. I began stuttering at 6 years old and it has worsened over the past few years. […]

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Avidor, France

My name is Avidor.  I’m 41, and I live in France, where I am a work for the government.  I wrote this Success Story in French, and it was translated by my coach, Richard Parent, who has translated all the editions of Lee Lovett’s “Stuttering & Anxiety Self-Cures” into French. I read Lee’s book in […]

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Mohamed, Sweden

Hey, my name is Mohamed, 29 years old, and I have been dealing with stuttering since I was around 9 or 10. It mainly consists of repeats and blocks, and under pressure, I tend to stutter around 70-80% of my words when talking to strangers or authority figures. Despite my struggles, I have now found […]

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Eleanor, Toronto

My name is Eleanor, but that’s a pseudonym. Frankly, I just not ready to “go public” and admit to my stuttering past. Anyway, I’m from Toronto, Canada. I’m 20, and I’ve been stuttering since I was 9 to 70% of my words. I tend to repeat and block and to use “umm” and “like” a […]

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Ariane, East Africa

My name is Ariane.  I do foreign relations and diplomatic work in East Africa.  I have been stuttering since the age of 4. I used to stutter up to 70% of my words, mostly repetitions, including with my family. I have had some therapy sessions with a speech therapist back in 2008 which did not […]

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Jim, London

My name is Jim.  I’m 33 and am from London, but I work in Qatar.  I began stuttering at age 3, and it grew to 90% by age 10; repeats became blocks.  I stumbled on some of Lee’s crutches on my own, such as using synonyms and rephrasing or changing thoughts.  I became very good […]

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Dean, Wisconsin, USA

Hello! My name is Dean, and I’ve been stuttering for a bit more than 3 decades, since I was 10 years old. As soon as I started stuttering, my family took me to a speech therapist. Unfortunately, it didn’t work, I still stuttered. Since then, I’ve never went to speech therapy again, until now. I […]

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Jason, Kansas

Hello! My name is Jason, from Kansas, and I am 19 years old. I began stuttering, like most of us, at around the age 5 or 6. I can’t remember what caused it, but I’ve been living with this problem all my life, and has affected every aspect of it.  Although I was very situational […]

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Ted (10), Oregon

This is the story of Ted, a 10-year-old, from Oregon.  He began stuttering at age 8 and was repeating 85% of his words in most conversations.  As Ted was in a gifted-student program, his stuttering seemed to make even less sense.  Ted had other therapies, at ages 5 and 9, but none helped.   His parents […]

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Claudia, USA

I started to stutter when I was a little girl. Throughout my whole life stuttering influenced every decision I made. I used to stutter severely, getting stuck on words when speaking with everyone, but even more so with my family.  I’m married now and have children.  Strangers don’t see me as a stutterer anymore. Throughout […]

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Neal, Texas

I started stuttering when I was 12. I called it medium to severe, depending on the amount of pressure. My name is Neal. I’m 20, and I live in Texas. I found Lee’s book on Amazon, and it helped me right away. I reduced my stuttering by 20% or so from the first read. As […]

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Sharlene, Toronto, Canada

Hello everybody, I am Sharlene and I’m a 53 year old female from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. I am a registered nurse who specializes in post-anesthesia nursing. Also, I recently acquired my certification in health information management. I have stuttered since about the age of 2, and before I discovered Lee’s book, I stuttered on about […]

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Micky, Minneapolis

My friends call me “Micky”, and I’m from Minneapolis, USA. I’m 52 years old. I’m on the police force. I started to stutter at a very young age. I have taken many speech therapies without much success. Now that I’m a police officer, effective and quick communication is essential, but I felt that my stuttering […]

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George, Mexico City

My name is George.  I’m 31 and live in Mexico City.  I have a BA in Economics and in Philosophy, and I am a V.P. in  a real estate firm.  I began stuttering at age 5.   If found Lee on Reddit.  I read his book and applied the methods myself, and they cut my […]

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Nathanial, UAE

As long as I can remember, I’ve always feared speaking. The possibility of stuttering in front of people, of humiliating myself, have always been rambling in my mind. I’ve always been very worried of how people perceived my speech, especially when meeting new people, at work, etc. If you’re a stutterer, you know what I’m […]

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Sarah, UK-Africa

I began stuttering at age 3.  I am now 31.  I have suffered blocks, long silences and many repeats.  My life, growing-up and as a young adult, was much like any congenital stutterer, a painful, endless stream of humiliating speech experiences virtually every day of my life.  I have tried so many therapies, courses, therapists, […]

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David, Maryland

My name is David.  I’m a telecom tech, age 30, and I live in Maryland.  I began stuttering around age four and stuttered on most words, usually around half but sometimes as much as 90%.  I could whisper without stuttering but I still stuttered some when reading aloud when alone. I had various therapies throughout […]

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Christian, Texas

I’m Christian. I’m 25 and I live in Texas.  I began stuttering in my teens.  It was very severe then, and I had quite a bit of therapy in my school years, but it didn’t make much difference.   By my twenties, the problem has lessened, I think mainly because I avoided talking.  It was funny.  […]

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Sergio, Spain

My name is Sergio, and I’ve been stuttering since I was 3, so basically all my life. Now, at the age of 18, I know that I am no longer going to appear speech disabled again. Now I know ways to avoid it.  Currently I am working on eliminating the residual stuttering fears, anxiety and […]

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Warren, South Carolina

I was able to stop stuttering simply by studying the book. I learned about Lee G. Lovett’s book back before the start of July, maybe in the latter part of June (2021).  I learned about it through John Harrison and Richard Parent. My first reactions were – well here’s another therapy that most likely will not […]

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Andrés, Honduras

One day, just like any other day, I came to the conclusion that life is too short not to enjoy it as much as possible and too short to lose such valuable moments with negative thoughts and the vicious cycles provoked by fear. My name is Andrés, and I’ve been stuttering since approximately age 8-9. […]

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C J, Virginia-KY

My name is “C J” , I’m 28 years old, and I live in Kentucky. I graduated college in 2011 and have a Bachelors in Psychology. My first memories of stuttering are from age 5, when I was pulled out of kindergarten class for speech therapy. I didn’t really know what was happening, I just […]

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Hussain, California

I am Hussain, a 39 year old engineer who lives in California. I have been stammering for many years and I remember first noticing this as a child between grade 4 and 5. My stammer has been predominantly situational where I did not have an issue in cases such as reading to myself or singing.  […]

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Ken, Norway

I am 34 year old and I’m working as an IT-security consultant. In addition to this I am father to a little girl. For many years I have been a covert stutterer (at least I don’t think other people have really noticed it). Blocking has mainly been my main problem, especially when I speak for […]

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Donald, an M.D.

I’m almost 90 now, and I have Parkinson’s and some dementia.  It seems strange for someone with a BA, an MD, an MS, and who is a retired Orthopedic Surgeon, to have someone else write for you, but the passage of time changes many things. So, Lee will write this for me.  The best news […]

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Josh, India

My name is Josh.  I am 27 and live in Chennai, India.  I have a degree in mechanical engineering.  I have been stuttering since age 3. My stuttering has taken the form of blocks and freezing.  Under pressure, I typically blocked on about half of my words. As a kid, I had many therapies, including […]

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Kathy, Wyoming

I’m in my thirties now, and I live in Wyoming.  I work for a wild-life related government agency.  I was a severe stutterer all my life, until this year.  I pulled off a miracle: After three years of working very hard on Lee Lovett’s methods, I stopped stuttering about six months ago.  Sharing this story […]

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