George, Mexico City

My name is George.  I’m 31 and live in Mexico City.  I have a BA in Economics and in Philosophy, and I am a V.P. in  a real estate firm.  I began stuttering at age 5.   If found Lee on Reddit.  I read his book and applied the methods myself, and they cut my stuttering to near zero.  I joined World Stop Stuttering Association and then did a couple sessions with Lee.  I can’t remember my last l humiliatingly bad stuttering incident, although I still feel pressure in some situations and still struggle some with fear, not with individual words, as Lee’s methods work well on them.  Conversations can impose some heat, and I still plan a small percentage of my words, but that’s fading now too.  I recommend WSSA and Lee’s books and Lee.  Neuroscience is the key to beating stuttering.  Publishing my story could be bad for  my business; so, I don’t want my picture posted.

George, Mexico City, June 2024


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