My name is Tyler and stuttering has been a part of my life ever since I can remember. I used to stutter on as much as half my words. In grade school (I believe 3rd grade) I can remember being taken from class to do some sort of in school speech therapy. My speech caused many embarrassing and humiliating times in school. I try not to think about them anymore.
After graduating High School, I knew I had to do something about my speech. I was never a full “hard” speech blocker, I could usually maneuver my way around words with word substitution and other avoidance techniques, including just not talking. The problem worst part was I couldn’t say exactly what I wanted to say and I had created many feared words, especially my name or hometown.
After trying a few other programs I found Lee’s methods. His methods were the most applicable and he as a person, seemed the most genuine. I emailed him and he sent me tons of valuable info via email and Skyped with me a half dozen times or so. All this helped a lot.
Fast forward 3 months and I am in the best place I have ever been with my speech and my life. For my occupation I’m running meetings, giving presentations and doing sales calls. These are all things I never thought I’d be able to do. Every day they get easier to do.
I’m working on learning not just to speak but to love to speak. I’m doing this by expanding my speech comfort zones, which means talking more than normal when under pressure. One place to do that is SpeechMasters Club, which was created by Speech Anxiety Cures, Inc. ( It is run by EX-stutterers who are trying to help PWS talk in groups. It’s a great place to get used to talking to groups, and most of those there have overcome stuttering and understand the problem and everyone is trying to help each other. No other place like that.
Anyway, Lee truly has changed my life. Until I learn to love to speak, I’ll still be on my speech journey but the fear is slowly dissipating everyday. The important thing that I want to say is that we don’t have to stutter anymore. Lee’s methods work and when you use them you’re going to have a much better life.
TYLER, Texas, June 2020