My name is Moussa, and I’m from Algeria. I’m 22 years old, and this is my journey.
My mother told me that it all began when I was around 4 or 5 years old, but I only remember it from when I was 7. It all started in primary school when my teacher asked me to read aloud in front of my classmates. I was nervous, but the moment I opened my mouth, the words wouldn’t come out. The stutter took over, and I was left struggling to say anything. My classmates were shocked, and I could see the confusion and even pity in their eyes. The worst part was the laughter that followed. Some started calling me “Moussa the Stutterer.” I didn’t know why it was happening to me, but I felt humiliated. I went home and told my parents, and that was the beginning of a long battle. I started weekly sessions with a speech therapist, which helped me reduce my stutter and anxiety, but the relief didn’t last. The fear of speaking in front of others persisted, and the stutter kept coming back.
The bullying continued, and I accepted it as my fate, and there was nothing I could do about it, I was shy and weak back then. As I moved to secondary school, I became more adept at avoiding situations where I had to speak aloud. I made excuses to not read aloud, but with four languages being taught (Arabic, Tamazight, French, and English), I couldn’t avoid it forever. I would try to skip just one language each day, but some days, I had to face all of them. My teachers and classmates were supportive and encouraged me to read and participate, knowing that I was a brilliant student. They told me to breathe and take my time, but every time I read, my body betrayed me. It felt like a marathon. I would shake, sweat, and my heart would race, I couldn’t conquer my fear.
In high school, things worsened. It wasn’t just reading aloud; it was participating in class discussions, sharing my opinions. I desperately wanted my voice to be heard, but I didn’t know how to speak without feeling terrified. I turned inward and became more of an introvert, withdrawing from anything that required me to speak. I began to believe I was doomed, that stuttering was a part of me that I couldn’t change. I would cry alone in my room, asking God, “Why me? What did I do wrong? I’m a good person. I don’t deserve this.”
But then, in university, something changed when I watched the movie « The King’s Speech ». The story of King George VI’s struggle with stuttering and his determination to overcome it inspired me in a way nothing else had. That movie shifted my mindset completely. I thought to myself, if he could do it, so could I. I wanted to become a great salesman. But I knew that to achieve that dream, I had to overcome my stutter. Sales required excellent communication skills, and that meant I first needed to be fluent. I was tired of living with the shame, the fear, and the silence. I knew that there had to be a solution somewhere. I didn’t accept the person I had become, and I made a decision: I would fight this. I started searching for answers. I watched YouTube videos, read books on mind programming, .
During this time, I also began reading Earl Nightingale’s books, particularly The Strangest Secret. His words became another source of inspiration for me. One of his most famous quotes, “We become what we think about,” resonated deeply with me. I realized that if I focused on the positive, on the possibility of overcoming my stutter, I could shift my mindset and push through the limits I had placed on myself.
As I continued my search for a cure, I found a book called Stuttering & Anxiety Self-Cures by Lee G. Lovett in the R/Stutter Sub, in Reddit Platform. I immediately bought a French version of it. It was the game-changer for me. As I read through the book, I experienced many “aha” moments, where everything clicked into place. Lee Lovett’s insights about stuttering and anxiety resonated deeply with me.
I started practicing what’s in the book, but there were times when I didn’t know how to apply some of the Crutches. The book mentioned hypnosis, and I decided to give it a try. I went to a hypnotherapist, but unfortunately, the results weren’t what I had hoped for. I didn’t know whether it was the therapist or the method itself that didn’t work for me.
Around that time, I was preparing to study abroad, but I first needed to pass the IELTS exam, an English test, and the thought of the speaking section terrified me. I had delayed taking the test for months, and every time I thought about it, the anxiety would grip me. But after the failure with hypnotherapy, I decided to go back to Lee Lovett’s book. I started reading aloud every day, doing the affirmations, and trying to use the crutches. However, my consistency was lacking, and I still struggled with doubt.
Then, in the summer of 2024, I started a small business. It was a huge challenge because I was doing everything on my own. I had to deal with phone calls, sell my product to customers in person, and visit home interior design stores to pitch my products. It pushed me out of my comfort zone, but it also exposed my stutter in ways I couldn’t avoid. One phone call with a client in November 2024 was the breaking point. I froze, unable to say a single word. I was shaking, making grimaces, and feeling the weight of failure. I couldn’t believe it. I hadn’t had such a severe incident in a long time, and it hit me hard.
That’s when I decided to email Coach Lee, explaining my struggles. To my amazement, he responded the same night for help. I explained my situation to him. He introduced me to a program that changed everything. I downloaded the Stop Stutter app and began using the tools he provided. And he introduced me to Javier, who guided me step by step, helping me apply the crutches in real-life situations. I became consistent and disciplined with the 1,2,3 punch. The breakthrough came when I took my IELTS exam on December 20th, 2024. For the first time in my life, I passed the test without the overwhelming anxiety that had haunted me for years. I had a C-level score, and I was incredibly proud of myself.
Today, I’m proud to say that I’m a PWSS (Person Who Stopped Stuttering), and I owe it all to the incredible support from Coach Lee, he went above and beyond to help me when I needed it the most. His support changed my life in ways I never thought possible, and I am truly grateful to Javier, and the practice session hosts, Danny and Prathusha. I can now read aloud in front of many people and participate in SAM Meetings with ease – things I once thought were impossible.
I’m on my way to becoming the salesman I always dreamed of being, with the communication skills to match my ambitions. I haven’t humiliated myself by stuttering in months. I still have some minor issues and moments where I feel nervous and afraid, so I’m far from perfect. But as goes the Chinese proverb, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”, and I’m taking those steps every day to improve and keep moving forward.
Moussa, Algeria – March 2025