Amaka, Nigeria

My name is Amaka.  I live in Nigeria.  I am 29; I studied accounting and I am a Project Manager.  I am also active on the Internet and have over many followers on my YouTube channel, where I discuss investing in the stock market.

I began stuttering at age 5 and stuttered in as much as 70% of my conversations.  My mother and some of my siblings also stuttered.

I can’t tell you how miserable and humiliating stuttering has been in my past.  It can make anyone miserable beyond words.  It is a life threatening problem.  

I saw some of Coach Lee’s videos online and I read his story and became inspired and joined WSSA’s program.  I downloaded WSSA’s StopStutter Mobile App and began doing it.  I have been receiving stuttering therapy from Coaches Lee and Danny.

I no longer appear to be speech disabled.  I recently had a job interview, and my speech was great.  My stuttering is not generally noticeable and I’m working on learning to love to speak everywhere.  I attend as many SAM Meetings and Practice Sessions as I can, and I hope to train to become a WSSA Certified Stuttering Therapist, because I would like to help other stutterers.  All I can say is that you can stop stuttering if you work at WSSA’s program.  You may or may not need some coaching, but the program works.  With luck, you’ll see me at a SAM Meeting or doing a Practice Sessions.  I hope so.  It’s time for all of us to stop stuttering.

Amaka, Nigeria – February 2025


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