My name is Mohi. I’m 23 and live in New Jersey. I’ve been stuttering since I was age six, and I have stuttered about a third of my words. It was always worse to authority figures and strangers. I can remember all through school that I could talk to one person pretty well but when I second person walked up I stuttered stuttering.
Of course we all need to talk to more than person lots of times. The more people there were the worse I stuttered. In school, it was the worst. When you can’t talk you get mocked and it hurts. Same goes when I had jobs growing up. The crazy thing is that I couldn’t predict when my speech would shut down. It just did without any warning.
Finally, about a year ago, I took sessions from a speech pathologist. He was a non-stutterer. He tried, but he didn’t know what to do, and he didn’t help at all,
I began searching the internet for solutions, but so many of the speech experts said that stuttering was incurable and that stutterers needed to accept it. I kept searching. I went on Amazon, and I found Lee’s book. It had many long, detailed reviews that were very positive. So, I bought his book. He gives readers his email and encourages them to contact him. So, I did, and he volunteered to coach me for free. We started Skyping in June and by August, I had stopped appearing speech disabled even to groups. In September, I did this success story.
What did I do to stop stuttering? EVERYTHING. That is, read aloud an hour or more a day, and I did it with as much feeling as possible. I gave myself three auto suggestions treatments daily plus one self-hypnosis treatment daily. I also played recordings of my Affirmations in idle times all day, and I played them at night when I slept. I also used Crutches to avoid having humiliating speech incidents during the day. All of this worked. I learned that I could avoid appearing speech disabled. Nobody thinks that I stutter anymore. If you want to hear and see me talk, go here:
Coach Lee’s methods and program teach a lot more than simply how to avoid stuttering. They show you ways to live a happier life. I’m so fond of Coach Lee that I often end our Skype sessions by saying, “I love you” and I mean it. He’s helped me so much more than just my speech.
I’m going to start working on learning to love to speak as well. Coach Lee urged me to attend as many SAM Meetings (his speech club for PWS) that meets online on Saturdays and to also join Toastmaster’s. I’m often working when SAM meets, but I’ll go when I can.
Meanwhile, if you stutter, it’s time to stop it. If you’ll use Coach Lee’s methods you can beat it too. If you join our speech and social club, SAM, too. You’ll probably see me there. Good luck but as Lee says start smiling because you can beat it.
MOHI, New Jersey, November 2021